Cheez 3.0
Slide show

There are three ways to initiate a Slide show of images:

  • Right click on a Film and then select Slide Show. This will Slide show all images included in the selected Film plus all images inside sub-films.
  • Select some images from the Main screen (use the Shift and Control keys) and then right click and select Slide Show. This will only slide show the selected images.
  • Click the Slideshow button on the search results form.

    While in SlideShow mode, you can go to the next image by either clicking on the screen, or pressing any of the following keys: Space, Enter, Down arrow, Right arrow, Page Down. You can go to the previous image by pressing any of the following keys: Left arrow, Up arrow, Page Up. You can end the Slide show by pressing the Escape key.

    There are some Preferences regarding the Slide show, like looping, captions, automatic mode etc.
  • For all questions mail Copyright © 2002 - 2005, Dimitris Giannitsaros. All rights reserved.