Cheez 3.0
Searching Images

In order to search for images/videos or films, click the Find button (or press Ctrl+F). The search window will pop up. Give one or more words (or part of them) to search for and click the Search button. Also you can use the "Add keyword" menu to select from your keywords.

There are three modes for searching:
  • any word: this will search for any of the words you entered
  • all words: this will search for all of the words you entered, in any order and any fields
  • phrase: this will search for the exact phrase you entered

    You can define which fields to search in: Name, Description, Keywords or Date. Name is the real name of the image while the other 3 fields are entered by you for every image or film. Finally you can specify whether your results should include both files (images/videos) and films or only one of the two.

    After searching the results window will come up. Every row represents either a film or an image. Films have blue color. You can see lots information for the results. For images you can see a thumbnail of the image (you can change the size in Preferences), the Name, Description, Keywords and Date, the size of the image/video (dimensions) the Film it's located in and finally the full path to the image. For films, Size shows how many files are included.

    Double clicking an image/video will display it. The toolbar also contains these buttons:

  • View. You can select multiple images and then click the View button to view all of them.
  • Refresh. Clicking the Refresh button will realign the grid (e.g. if you change the window size).
  • Slideshow. This will initiate a slideshow of all images in the search results.
  • Web album. This will initiate a web album creation of all images in the search results.
  • Copy. This will copy the selected image to the clipboard.
  • Copy to. This will ask for a location and then copy the selected files there.
  • Mail. This will open the Send by mail form.
  • For all questions mail Copyright © 2002 - 2005, Dimitris Giannitsaros. All rights reserved.